
These are some of the images of the experimentation I did today. I used a half scale stand and 2 x 50cm by 50cm square of fabric then began manipulating this around the body. I did some rough sketch ideas & tried these with the fabric to see how they worked. At this point, I used the pins to represent the stitch lines which allowed my to repeatedly use the same piece of fabric rather than wasting metres that could have been used for other purposes. It was important for me to try these ideas before sewing them as it helped me to start considering;

  1. How the fabric worked.
  2. How I could work with the fabric.
  3. The straight cut/stitch rule.
  4. What I wanted to create for this project.
  5. Areas that I needed to research.

From this I will begin generating ideas and complete designer research to gain better understanding of this innovative method in design.

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